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Clearing Storm, Yosemite National Park

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 16 January 2025 in Landscape & Rural.

Yosemite National Park is a photographer's playground. Every once in a while, special conditions such as this early March 2006 clearing snowstorm at sunset takes it to an entirely different stratosphere! It also takes your breath away!!!

I was making my last loop through the Valley for the day when I heard a weather report that the storm had cleared in the Bay Area at noon. I used to spend winters living in the mountains and knew that our storm could be breaking by sunset with a lot of luck. It was also the day I met Gary Hart and what was to follow was a longtime friendship as we partnered to teach a couple hundred workshops together over the next 18 years.

As you can see, the storm did indeed clear at sunset and we were left to capture this idyllic clearing storm scene (the best I have ever seen) from the Tunnel View Overlook.

Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II 1/5 second F/20.0 ISO 100 28 mm

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