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Master Landscape Processing Course

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 30 November 2024 in Landscape & Rural.

It's the Holidays and this is a perfect time to take your processing skills to the next level. My new course Landscape Processing Made Easy is a 48 video tutorial that teaches you how to bring out the best in a RAW file for any landscape and astro image you may have captured. Let me put the best of my 46 years of knowledge to work for you. I distill down techniques to teach you just what you need to know. Learn the proper way to process a Milky Way, learn to remove footprints in snow and sand in a way no AI tool can, fix halos, detect and correct color casts, learn proper masking skills. These are just a handful of the 48 lessons I teach. Processing is 50% of what makes a master landscape photographer. Let me teach you the correct way starting right now! Videos are housed online and are accessible from any device at any time. Moreover, I am with you to answer any questions you may have, just leave a comment. Lastly, as I upgrade new videos, you get them for no extra cost - all new videos are free! This is a master class that you don't want to miss...

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