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Sunset From Hearst Castle, San Simeon, CA

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 13 October 2024 in Landscape & Rural.

I took my new iPhone 16 Pro Max out for a spin yesterday evening at San Simeon's famed Hearst Castle. Beri, our friend Alice and I arrived just in time to capture the sun slipping into the fog over the Pacific Ocean. This is a tough lighting scenario for even a full-framed pro-level 35mm. I'd say the iPhone more than held its own! I really loved how it recorded the delicate warm splash of light through the oaks and pines...

#AppleiPhone16ProMax #appleiphone #hearstcastle #sunset #warmth

Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max 1/1250 second F/1.8 ISO 64 35 mm (35mm equiv.)

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