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Harvest Moon and Partial Elipse, Central CA

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 20 September 2024 in Landscape & Rural.

Here is one more from Tuesday evening's Harvest Moon with a partial eclipse. I captured this image with two different exposures while standing on Hartford Pier in Avila Beach, California. This was a technically difficult image to record and and process and required two exposures as I was at the end of Civil Twilight (10 minutes before maximum eclipse); one exposure for the moon and one for the ocean and landscape. The key was blend modes and Sky Selection in Photoshop. I used Select Sky as a stencil to allow me to work just on the sky. By changing to blend mode of the two frames to Linear Light, it allowed me to clone out the overexposed moon in the properly exposed layer for the foreground and overcome the camera sensor's inability to see the scene as we see it. Our visual system is truly amazing and cameras just aren't there yet - smartphones are close but I'll save that for another day. Using the Tony Kuyper TK9 panels made all of this a breeze. Use my code DS15 for 15% off anything in Tony's store: TK9 Panels and Videos

SONY ILCE-7RM5 4/5 seconds F/11.0 ISO 400 109 mm (35mm equiv.)

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