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Dusk Sky, Snake River Overlook, Grand Teton NP

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 6 May 2024 in Landscape & Rural.

Luminosity and color masks found inside the TK9 panel (use my code DS15 for 15% off) allow me to bring out the drama in an image that my eye saw but needs to be coaxed out of the RAW file in processing. Ansel did it with dodging and burning as I show you in my new blog CLICK HERE I would say, Ansel would have loved digital! Hope you give it a read and leave your thoughts...

#snakeriver #grandtetonnationalpark #dusk #tonykuyper #masking

Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III 5/2 seconds F/11.0 ISO 200 32 mm

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