It is Memorial Day in the USA - a day to honor our fallen heroes who bravely gave their lives to defend this country... I also want to acknowledge all who served or currently serving. You are all my heroes... We have a lot going on that needs fixing - look at my last post and read my blog: My Heart is Broken
People are rightfully angry and sad and feeling hopeless.
I hope this image from the Scottish Highlands that I was processing yesterday, brings you some peace - it did for me.
The world we live in is beautiful - let's not allow those with evil intent to ruin that for the rest of us. Collectively we can make a change and not submit to their evil ways - Ukrainian people are bravely demonstrating this daily.
Our soldiers who gave their lives made a pledge to stand up for the rest of us. Now it's time we honor them back and stand up to evil both here and around the world... We have a huge voice - let it be heard...
Sony a7RIV + Sony 24-105mm + Singh Ray 5 stop Mor Slo
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