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The Back Bay, Central Coast, Morro Bay, CA

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 9 December 2021 in Landscape & Rural.

The locals call this area of Morro Bay, "The Back Bay." This is looking southwest from the top of Black Mountain down towards the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant which is located beyond the ridgeline which we see as Montaña De Oro State Park. This is dusk light and I'm surprised I could even concentrate to make this image. On the drive up to the parking area - I was thankfully driving at 25mph - a young boy darted out from behind a tree. I slammed on the brakes and he - with a deer in the headlights look - stopped as quickly as possible. It scared both of us but I am thankful that I did not hit him. I don't think he will make that mistake again. Needless to say, my camera gear went flying in every direction and when I hiked to the top of the hill, I realized I was missing my Sony 100-400mm lens. Minutes after making this image the light faded and I began a fast walk down the 7 switchbacks to the parking area when a kindly man came around the turn and said to me, "just the guy I want to talk to." I asked, "what's up?" He then pulled out my lens and asked, "is this yours?" Apparently it rolled down the side of my passenger seat and when I opened the door to grab my gear rolled gently out onto the ground - I didn't even hear it. No damage, it works great and I made a new local friend! That lens could have easily ended up on eBay that evening! Needless to say, on the short drive home, I passed where the child had ran out and began to shake (more than usual). Thank the Lord the day ended on two positive notes!

Sony a1, Sony 24-105mm, f/16, 1.6 sec., Singh-Ray's new 3-stop soft + neutral polarizer (use my code don10 to get 10% off any Singh-Ray filter)

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