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Our New Home - Morro Bay, California!

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 15 October 2021 in Landscape & Rural.

I have been a bit under the weather since the weekend (no I don't have Covid just a bad cold) so haven't had a chance to get out and shoot much, but just wanted to share the awesome news that Beri and I closed on a house in beautiful Morro Bay, California this past weekend. We can't give enough thanks to our awesome friends and realtors - Ray and Peggy Pierce - from Hollister, CA! Morro Bay is known for it's volcanic plug (called Morro Rock - the last in the chain of plugs called the 9 Sisters - though there are actually 13). It is in the far distance in this image (may have to enlarge) along with three stacks to the left of it from a shuttered PG&E power plant. Rumor has it the new owners will be taking them down starting next year - we shall see as they are an icon of the area. We are so glad this long journey of selling two homes and buying a home in this volatile market is finally coming to an end! Our many prayers have been answered and we are extremely grateful and blessed!

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