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Flowering Ice Plants, Pacific Grove, California

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 11 May 2021 in Landscape & Rural.

One of my FB followers notified me that the annual spring flowering ice-plant was at peak in Pacific Grove, California. It is a 40-minute drive for me so Beri and I combined a Saturday evening dinner at our favorite restaurant - Osteria al Mare - on the harbor and a shoot (I know - what a romantic I am - she's used to it). This is a sunset shot focus-stacked with three bracketed exposures with my Sony Alpha 1 and 16-35mm G Master lens. The first two frames were focused and exposed for the flowering foreground and then I exposed and focused the last frame for the ocean and shot at 30fps to get just the right balance of wave action (which was minimal that evening). I combined the frames in Helicon Focus then processed the resulting file in Photoshop using the TK7 panel. Work intensive but worth the effort - I hope you enjoy! BTW - I hope Sony will offer in-camera focus-stacking for us landscape shooters in the near future!

SONY ILCE-1 1/20 second F/16.0 ISO 125 34 mm

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