Here is a blog PLEASE READ ABOUT CALIFORNIA"S DROUGHT AND THE BARK BEETLE I wrote back in November of 2015 about California's drought conditions allowing for the bark beetle to decimate one-third of our forests. If you really understood what was happening to our forests in the West years ago, then it should be no surprise why these out-of-control infernos are happening now - knowledge is such a powerful tool. I implore you to read this blog and leave your conclusion in the comments section. NO POLITICS - I will delete finger-pointing comments. I want you to have the information and come to your own conclusion - not the crap that the networks news channels are shoveling you. And before you say this is Trump's fault, or Gavin Newsom's fault, please understand that Obama/Biden were in office when I captured this image. So IMO - lot's of blame on both sides. But again - no finger-pointing or you are gone. Also understand that all National Parks and National Forests fall under Federal oversight - the State(s) has nothing to do with our National Forests. Now put your thinking caps on and let's come up with some ideas moving forward. I know you guys are smart so let's use out minds here knowing the facts as they are.
Yosemite National Park, November 2105
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