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Beri and Me, Candlestick Park, San Francisco 1988

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 27 June 2020 in Sport & Recreation.

This is my lovely bride of almost 29 years and counting. This was captured in 1988 at Candlestick Park, San Francisco (probably our third date).

You see, before I became a fulltime landscape photographer, I made my living as a sports photographer. In my new blog My Life as a Sports Photographer[/] I tell my entire story - from my college days at SJSU on to me fulfilling my dream of working for Sports Illustrated to my days as co-team photographer for the San Jose Sharks.

I also share lots of pictures. One is an image of a very young me ski racing as I tried to climb my way towards a dream of making the US Ski Team. My knees robbed me of that dream. But it has been a blast - a blessed life! Now, Beri and I are going to slip away for a 5-day break - I'll check back in once we get settled. Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

NOTE: Check out the old Nikon gear: 300mm f/2.8, 400mm f/2.8 and a 600mm f/4, standard fare for any serious sports shooter - and oh yeah - autofocus was a fantasy back then.

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