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Fall in Bryce/Zion NP Photo Workshop - Nov 2019

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 13 August 2019 in Landscape & Rural.

This week I am at Sony Kando 3.0 in Redman, Oregon. I have been testing the new a7RIV + Sony 200-600mm - more to come on that. I'm teaching classes today. Here is one from my upcoming Bryce/Zion Workshop this November. We have (5) spots left:
This week I am at Sony Kando 3.0 in Redman, Oregon. I have been testing the new a7RIV + Sony 200-600mm - more to come on that. I'm teaching classes today. Here is one from my upcoming Bryce/Zion Workshop this November. We have (5) spots left: Fall Photo Workshop in Bryce and Zion National Parks

Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III 4 seconds F/16.0 ISO 100 24 mm
this | week | am | at | sony | kando | in | redman | oregon | have | been | testing | the | new

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