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Winter's Peace, Coquille Beach, Oreogn

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 11 January 2019 in Landscape & Rural.

Oregon beaches have some incredible sea stacks. Here are some at a empty Coquille Beach. Seems the wet weather kept most inside. Fortunately for us photographers, that's when the good stuff happens!

Sony a7RIII, Sony 24-105mm, f/22, 1/80th, ISO 100

#CoquilleBeach, #Oregon #OregonCoast #BeAlpha #SonyArtisan #SonyAlpha #seascape #nopoeple #horizontallandscape

SONY ILCE-7RM3 1/80 second F/22.0 ISO 100 42 mm (35mm equiv.)

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