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Sunrise and Smoke, Grandview, Grand Canyon NP

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 7 August 2018 in Landscape & Rural.

It's sad that fires seem to be burning everywhere in the west but the Obi fire at Grand Canyon presented an amazing photo opp this morning at dawn/sunrise. Join Gary Hart and me next August: PLEASE CLICK HERE. Monsoonal moisture coming back into the forecast starting tomorrow!

Sunrise and Smoke, Grandview Point, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Sony a7RIII, Sony 24-205mm, f/16, 1/5th, ISO 100

#sdonyartisan #grandcanyonnationalpark #smoke #sunrise #juniper #orangesky #horizontallandscape #arizona

SONY ILCE-7RM3 1/5 second F/16.0 ISO 100 28 mm (35mm equiv.)

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