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In the Presence of Legends

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 15 May 2018 in Landscape & Rural.

I have returned from my week at Sony Kando 2.0 along the beautiful Monterey Peninsula. My new blog talks about the opening night BBQ and the privilege I had to dine with three legends of our industry: A Dinneer With Three Photography Legends at Sony Kando 2.0 I hope you take a moment to read this, you'll be blown away by these guys credentials!

BTW - this image was created during Sony Kando 2.0. Check the blog for information.

#sonykandotrip #sonyartisan #sonyalpha #elireed #neilleifer #davidburnett

SONY ILCE-7RM3 1/1000 second F/8.0 ISO 6400 256 mm (35mm equiv.)

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