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Wild Calla Lily

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 7 December 2017 in Landscape & Rural.

My Sony a7RIII has arrived! My Sony a7RII will now be relegated to the role of backup. If you are getting one soon you will be thrilled. Don't forget about the Sony 100-400mm. I was amazed at how close I could focus mine on this wild Calla Lily during my recent Big Sur Workshop. This was captured full-frame at 400mm! Dates for next year's Winter Workshop TBA soon.

Wild Calla Lily, Garrapata State Beach, Big Sur Coast, California, United States

Sony a7RII, Sony 100-400mm, f/11, 1/3rd sec., ISO 100, polarizer

#sonyalpha #bigsurworkshop #winter #garrapatastatebeach #callalily #closeup

SONY ILCE-7RM2 1/3 second F/11.0 ISO 100 400 mm (35mm equiv.)

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