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Eucalyptus Tree Tunnel and Fog, California

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 21 February 2017 in Landscape & Rural.

I captured this image on a foggy winter morning back in January 2005. It has become one of my best-selling stock images with Getty Images.

It was featured on the cover of the coffee-table book The Life and Love of Trees and was featured featured on the Oprah Winfrey show as "Book of the Month." It has also graced the cover of 8 other books worldwide.

This past Friday, Central California experienced sustained winds of 50-86mph. Sadly 18 of these gorgeous Eucalyptus Trees came down during the storm making this image even more meaningful for me as it can never be reproduced. You can purchase a print of this image by clicking here: PURCHASE PRINT

Eucalyptus Trees on Los Viboras Road, San Benito County, California, January 2005

#sanbenitocounty #eucalyptustrees #calicornia #countrylane #landscapephotography #fog #morning #donsmithphotographyworkshops

Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II 1/4 second F/13.0 ISO 100 200 mm

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