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Wave Surge, Lumahai Beach, Kauai

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 26 December 2016 in Landscape & Rural.

I hope all of you had a fantastic Christmas! I'm resuming my countdown of my 12 Favorite Images of 2016 with #6 captured during my annual Kauai Workshop CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. It was a stormy evening along the northwestern side of the Island and I took the group to Lumahai Beach for a sunset shoot where the movie South Pacific was filmed. There is a cool lava shelf where the group can setup; however on this evening, the waves were crashing over the shelf. As the sun lowered in the west, this large wave broke over the shelf and I made this frame while holding tight to the tripod. I felt this frame captured both the incredible light of sunset and the fury of the sea!

Crashing Wave Over Lava Shelf, Lumahai Beach, Kauai, Hawaii

Sony RX10 III, 25mm, f/16 1/2 second, ISO 200

#kaui #kauaiphotoworkshop #sunset #storm #lavashelf #donsmithphotoworkshops #hawaii, #sonyRX10III

SONY DSC-RX10M3 1/2 second F/16.0 ISO 200 25 mm (35mm equiv.)

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