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Double Rainbow at Grand Canyon National Park

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 26 August 2016 in Landscape & Rural.

I've made it back home after almost two weeks of photographing the monsoon season at Grand Canyon National Park. I have posted a new blog Capturing Grand Canyon's Monsoon Season With the Sony a7RII that discusses the technique used to capture rainbow, lightning and the multitude of vibrant sunrises and sunsets we witnessed during two workshops that I taught along with Gary Hart. Please click here if you are interested in joining us next year: 2017 Grand Canyon Monsoon Workshop

Double Rainbow Over North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park

Sony a7RII, Sony 24-70mm G Master, f/20, 1/4th sec., ISO 50, Singh-Ray LB Polarizer

#sonya7rII, #grandcanyon, #monsoonworkshop, #rainbows, #lightning
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SONY ILCE-7RM2 1/4 second F/20.0 ISO 50 49 mm (35mm equiv.)

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rainbow by omid