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Lightning Strike, North Rim, Grand Canyon

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 5 August 2016 in Landscape & Rural.

How about Throwback Thursday on Friday :-) Too busy to get anything posted yesterday. Gary Hart and I leave next weekend for our annual Grand Canyon Monsoon Workshop Here is an image I captured two years ago at the North Rim 3 weeks after knee replacement surgery!!! After this guy went off, I hopped all the way back to the car screaming like a little baby - a little too close for comfort. We are sold out this year but our 2017 dates are now posted: 2017 Grand Canyon Monsoon Workshop

Canon 5DMKIII, 35mm, f/22, 1/10th, ISO 50, Singh-Ray Polarizer, Lightning Trigger IV

‪#‎donsmithphotography‬, ‪#‎Monsoon‬, ‪#‎lightning‬, ‪#‎daytimelightning‬, ‪#‎lightningtrigger‬, ‪#‎grandcanyon‬, ‪#‎thunderstorm‬

Canon EOS 5D Mark III 1/10 second F/22.0 ISO 50 35 mm

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