Here are two great Holiday gift ideas for all you photographers out there:
Sony has introduced a new app for their mirrorless cameras called Sky HDR Please click link to read more about it and to see samples.
Also, once you have captured your image, you still need to process it. I can help you there with my A Simplified Method to Workflow video series that is now 50% off through the end of this month. Now that's a deal too good to be true!
Quien Sabe Road and Dusk Sky, San Benito County, California
#Sonya7, #Sony70_200mm, f/11, 1 second, 100 ISO, #Singh_Ray_Polarizer
NOTE: I exposed for the landscape and used #SkyHDR to grad down the sky - this is one frame! I then processed the image in both Lightroom and Photoshop with the same workflow that I teach in "A Simplified Method to Workflow!"
My Website: "how to" articles, 2020 WORKSHOP LISTINGS, galleries, stock photos, and more...
This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.