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Fall Morning at North Lake

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 24 October 2012 in Landscape & Rural.

4th Annual Arches/Canyonlands Photo Workshop - Moon Over Red Rock, Arches, and Canyons - October 27-31 2012 (1 spot left).
2nd Annual Bryce/Zion Photo Workshop - Bryce Canyon Hoodoos and Zion Fall Color - November 1-5, 2012 (WORKSHOP SOLD OUT).


4th Annual Winter Big Sur - Magic Light, Moonlight, and Pfeiffer Beach Arch - January 26-29, 2013
5th Annual Northern Arizona Photo Workshop - Grand Canyon, Page (Antelope Canyon/Horseshoe Bend) and Sedona - March 25-29, 2013
6th Annual Spring in Big Sur and the Monterey Peninsula - May 6-9, 2013
4th Annual Kauai Workshop - Garden Isle and Tropical Paradise - June 21-25, 2013
2nd Annual Fall Color in Grand Teton National Park - September 28 - October 3, 2013

New tutorial video on my website: HDR The Old-Fashioned Way With Don Smith

Thanks in large part to the amazing plug-ins from Nik Software, my workflow has changed for the better. I am now going back and reprocessing older RAW files with some amazing results. Today's image was captured at North Lake in the Bishop Canyon High Country on a classic fall morning. To see more, please read my latest blog post: Revisiting a Couple of Old Friends

Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III 4 seconds F/22.0 ISO 200 18 mm

My Website: "how to" articles, 2020 WORKSHOP LISTINGS, galleries, stock photos, and more...