Full Moon Over Red Rock, Arches, and Canyons - 3rd Annual Arches/Canyonlands Photo Workshop - October 9-13, 2011 (Workshop Sold Out).
Bryce Canyon Hoodoos and Zion Fall Color - 1st Annual Bryce/Zion Photo Workshop - November 1-5, 2011 (Workshop Sold Out).
3rd Annual Magic Light, Moonlight, and Pfeiffer Beach Arch Big Sur Winter Workshop - January 8-11, 2012 (6 spots left)
5th Annual Springtime and Moonlight in Big Sur and the Monterey Peninsula - March 7-10, 2012 (9 spots left)
4th Annual Northern Arizona Workshop: Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend and Sedona - April 23-27, 2012 (5 spots left)
3rd Annual Kauai Workshop - Garden Isle and Tropical Paradise - June 22-26, 2012 (6 spots left)
4th Annual Summer Big Sur Workshop - Mystical Fog and Colorful Headlands - August 21-24, 2012 (just added)
New Articles on my Website: Stacking Multiple Exposures to Produce Noiseless Star Trails.
Recent Webinar for Nik Software: Incorporating Nik Software Into Your Daily Workflow with Don Smith.
Join me as I am now of Facebook: Don Smith Photography on Facebook
Join me as I am now on Flickr: Don Smith Photography on Flickr
My preferred filters: Singh-Ray Filters
Books Available for Purchase on my Website:
Refined Vision: 50 Lessons Designed to Improve Your Digital Landscape Photography (e-book and printed versions - 160 pages)
The Photographer's Guide to the Big Sur Coast (2nd Edition) (e-book version - 63 pages)
On the Edge (printed version - softcover and hardcover - 120 pages)
Are you someone who just doesn't have a lot of time for processing your images? Perhaps you refuse to shoot in RAW because the thought of converting and processing those RAW's seems daunting and time-consuming? Well you are not alone; in fact, I would venture to say that the majority of my workshop students feel the same as you. So what to do? Well here is a new blog post that shows you how to spend less time processing each image, yet still get that professional look that we are all after. To read more, click here.
Also, if you missed my webinar for Nik Software that I did a couple weeks back, it has now been archived on their site and is titled Incorporating Nik Software Into Your Daily Workflow with Don Smith.
I hope that both the blog post and the webinar will help your processing skills. If you are interested in purchasing any of the fine Nik products, please use my code listed below.
My Website: "how to" articles, 2020 WORKSHOP LISTINGS, galleries, stock photos, and more...