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Radiant Light

Posted by
Don Smith (California, United States) on 11 August 2011 in Landscape & Rural.


Summer Big Sur - 3rd Annual Mystical Fog and Colorful Headlands Photo Workshop - August 23-26, 2011 (Workshop Sold Out)
Full Moon Over Red Rock, Arches, and Canyons - 3rd Annual Arches/Canyonlands Photo Workshop - October 9-13, 2011 (Workshop Sold Out).
Bryce Canyon Hoodoos and Zion Fall Color - 1st Annual Bryce/Zion Photo Workshop - November 1-5, 2011 (Workshop Sold Out).
3rd Annual Magic Light, Moonlight, and Pfeiffer Beach Arch Big Sur Winter Workshop - January 8-11, 2012 (space available)
5th Annual Springtime and Moonlight in Big Sur and the Monterey Peninsula - March 7-10, 2012 (space available)
4th Annual Northern Arizona Workshop: Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend and Sedona - April 23-27, 2012 (5 spots available)
3rd Annual Kauai Workshop - Garden Isle and Tropical Paradise - June 22-26, 2012 (space available)
New Articles on my Website: How to Give Your Images a Luminescent Feel.
Join me as I am now of Facebook: Don Smith Photography on Facebook

Join me as I am now on Flickr: Don Smith Photography on Flickr

My preferred filters: Singh-Ray Filters

Books Available for Purchase on my Website:
Refined Vision: 50 Lessons Designed to Improve Your Digital Landscape Photography (e-book and printed versions - 160 pages)
The Photographer's Guide to the Big Sur Coast (e-book version - 102 pages)
On the Edge (printed version - softcover and hardcover - 120 pages)

Join me and Nik Software August 12 at 10:00 am for a webinar where I will be discussing my workflow techniques utilizing the awesome Nik plugins. I'll be discussing and showing you how I process my images using Viveza 2, Sharpener Pro, and many of the fine filters found in Color Efex Pro 3.0. This webinar is limited to the first 1,000 signups so don't delay. You may sign-up using this link: Incorporating Nik Software Into Your Daily Workflow with Don Smith

After photographing a sunrise over the fog last week, Scott Schilling and I came around a turn and spotted this amazing display of crepuscular rays (columns of sunlit air separated by darker cloud-shadowed regions). Fortunately the road descended in elevation and we were able to quickly get our gear and essentially reset the rising sun!

Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III 1/320 second F/11.0 ISO 200 200 mm

My Website: "how to" articles, 2020 WORKSHOP LISTINGS, galleries, stock photos, and more...