Springtime in Lake Tahoe and the Mokelumne Wilderness Photo Workshop - May 14-17, 2011 (space available)
Northern California - 3rd Annual Redwoods and Mendocino Photo Workshop - May 23-26, 2011 (space available)
Second Annual Garden Isle and Tropical Paradise - Kauai Photo Workshop - July 8-12, 2011 (only 4 spots remaining)
Summer Big Sur - 3rd Annual Mystical Fog and Colorful Headlands Photo Workshop - August 23-26, 2011 (space available)
Full Moon Over Red Rock, Arches, and Canyons - 3rd Annual Arches/Canyonlands Photo Workshop - October 9-13, 2011 (only 1 spot left).
Bryce Canyon Hoodoos and Zion Fall Color - 1st Annual Bryce/Zion Photo Workshop - November 1-5, 2011 (Workshop Sold Out).
3rd Annual Magic Light, Moonlight, and Pfeiffer Beach Arch Big Sur Winter Workshop - January 8-11, 2012 (space available)
4th Annual Northern Arizona Workshop: Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend and Sedona - April 23-27, 2012 (space available)
New Articles on my Website: Review of Kinesis Filter Bag for Landscape Photographers
Join me as I am now of Facebook: Don Smith Photography on Facebook
Join me as I am now on Flickr: Don Smith Photography on Flickr
My preferred filters: Singh-Ray Filters
Books Available for Purchase on my Website:
Refined Vision: 50 Lessons Designed to Improve Your Digital Landscape Photography (e-book and printed versions - 160 pages)
The Photographer's Guide to the Big Sur Coast (e-book version - 102 pages)
On the Edge (printed version - softcover and hardcover - 120 pages)
Before you send that next frame to your digital trash can, look a bit closer. Is your original intent captured somewhere within the borders of that frame? How about changing that literal capture to something a bit more artistic. To learn how I did just that with this image, please read Digging An Artistic Image Out Of A Literal Capture.
My Website: "how to" articles, 2020 WORKSHOP LISTINGS, galleries, stock photos, and more...