As promised with my previous post, here is an overview image of Yosemite's Nevada Fall. This 594-foot fall, located at the western end of Little Yosemite Valley is perhaps the most powerful of all of Yosemite's majestic waterfalls.
At mid fall, the impact of the water on the cliff face creates turbulent, whitewater mist. When lit at the correct angle by the sun, this vibrant rainbow appears.
As a side note: Every year a few unfortunate hikers get too close to not only this waterfall, but also Vernal and Yosemite falls and are swept over. There are not many restrictions or railings as evidenced by this image. Just after making this image I witnessed two young women standing literally a few feet from the top of this waterfall, on wet granite, wearing tennis shoes. They were video taping the fall but seemed oblivious to the fact that one tiny slip would cost them their lives! We all want to capture dynamic images, but we must ask ourselves, "at what cost?"
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