These barns had captivated my attention from the first time I spotted them just outside the gates of the San Juan Oaks golf course in San Benito County, California. I would venture back at various times when the weather looked interesting, but nothing much in the way of good imagery ever materialized.
Then one cold December morning, I decided to try once again, and was pleasantly surprised when I spotted some low-lying mist rising above the fields just behind the barns. As a bonus, the skies behind and to the northeast of the barns came to life with the soft pastel hues of dawn light!
I'm glad I captured this image back then as today this scene is no longer possible as large plastic-covered tenting has been erected over the surrounding fields.
My lesson learned was to never give up on a scene. One should learn to trust their instincts; if something grabs your attention, even if you can't at first spot the finished image, keep returning under different types of light and seasons. Eventually, the finished picture will emerge.
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