Low tides and foggy skies reveal the beuaty of tide pools along Weston Beach at California's Point Lobos State Reserve. I loved the strirated markings of this particular pool. The colorful pebbles are everywhere to be found, thus the locals moniker Pebbly Beach, not to be confused with its famed cousin cousin across the bay, Pebble Beach. A good lesson was also learned as I dropped my Canon ($150) cable release into the pool - not once, but twice! Why do I hear Forrest Gump whisering in my ear: "Stupid is as stupid does!" Needless to say, the salt water rendered it useless. From that day forward, I always tape it off with a piece of gaffer tape. Live and learn! To see more of coastal images, learn about upcoming Big Sur workshops where you will be able to photograph on this same beach, or purchase a copy of my book On the Edge, please visit my website at http://www.donsmithphotography.com
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